Women's Ministry at Saint Bernadette is designed to help all women encounter and deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ. We offer Walking With Purpose bible study programs that help us get to know Jesus Christ personally by making Scripture and the teachings of the Catholic Church relevant and applicable to our daily lives. We also host several fellowship events throughout the year.
Ministry Chairs: Katie Savinon and Meghan Tinker
Upcoming Events
Sign Up for Opening Your Heart Bible StudySign Up for Beholding Bible Study
Download Full Opening Your Heart Schedule Download Full Beholding Schedule
MTO Mission Statement: To foster a more welcoming, diverse and inclusive community by offering opportunities for individuals to learn and appreciate the cultures and gifts of every race and ethnicity. Through love and service to others, we honor the teachings of Jesus Christ by respecting the dignity of all God's children.
Ministry Contact: Sharon Schuhmann
Marriage, a lifetime of love and commitment, is to be celebrated! Once each quarter, we will have a special blessing as part of all 3-weekend liturgies. If you are celebrating a wedding anniversary during that quarter, we want to recognize you and offer a blessing. Our blessings for January/February/March Anniversaries will be the weekend of February 15/16. We would like to know your anniversary date (including the year), the Mass time you plan to attend that weekend, and whether it is OK to print your names and anniversary date in a future bulletin.
Submit Your InformationIt is a practice in the Catholic faith in which the Blessed Sacrament is adored by the faithful.
The visit to the Blessed Sacrament is a great treasure of the Catholic faith. It nourishes social love and gives us opportunities for adoration and thanksgiving, for reparation and supplication.
St. Alphonsus Liquori wrote: “of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest AFTER the Sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most helpful to us. The Eucharist is a priceless treasure: By not only celebrating the Eucharist, but also by praying before it outside of Mass, we are enabled to make contact with the very wellsprings of Grace.”
How do I spend my time in Adoration? When you enter, genuflect before the Blessed Sacrament. Eucharistic Adoration is a time of silence spent in personal prayer. You can read the Bible or other spiritual books, pray the rosary, or just sit in silence and listen for God to speak to you – sometimes we spend too much time talking and not enough time listening.
Time: At Saint Bernadette, we have Adoration every Tuesday from 12:30pm until 7:30pm. The length of time you stay is up to the individual. You may stay for a few minutes or an hour. We also offer seasonal opportunities for extended adoration.
Gifts and talents:
Participant: All parishioners are invited to this experience.
Volunteer: If you would like to become an hourly adorer, you would commit to the same hour each week. This ensures there is always someone sitting with the sacrament. We try to have 2 per hour and it starts at 1:00pm and ends at 7:30pm each Tuesday.
Ministry Chair: Mary Ann McGraw
Adults (age 16 to 100+) learn in a facilitated group setting about the ancient background of the Old (Hebrew) and New (Christian) Testaments. This approach gives the cultural, political, literary, and social backgrounds of the ancient times in which the various scriptures were written. This background expands our Catholic understanding of scripture today, by revealing what these scriptures meant to the original ancient audience. This ancient meaning helps today’s Catholics in the private reading of the Bible, in personal reflection and development, in spiritual relationship with God and others, in application to daily life, and in coming to know the full meaning of being a follower of Christ. Each session is thought-provoking and lively (often with humor) with a mixture of brief presentations, questions, and open-ended discussions.
Time: The group meets from 9:45am - 11am on every Sunday morning in the Lourdes Room (except a very few holiday weekends).
Participants: do not need any prior formal knowledge of scripture, ancient cultures, or history; they just need a desire to develop a deeper understanding of God's Word.
Ministry Chair: Sharon Schuhmann
Adults (age 16 to 100+, parishioners & non-parishioners, Christians & non-Christians) are invited to a wide range of topics for personal enrichment in a facilitated group setting. Topics cover such diverse subjects as Background for Church Teachings, Scriptural Background, Everyday Practical Application of Theology, Mysteries of the Universe, Science & Religion, History of the Popes, Lost Books of the Bible, Old and New Testament Figures, Church History, Writings of Paul, Archeology of the Holy Land, Religious Controversies, Ancient History, Human Behavior, and much more. Each session has a combination of presentations (many with a 30-minute DVD for laypeople by a recognized expert), thought-provoking questions, and lively discussion. Each session is “stand-alone” in that attendance at previous sessions and prior formal knowledge is not required for a meaningful experience.
There are two opportunities to join this group VIRTUALLY every week on ZOOM... Thursdays from 7pm-8:30pm OR Fridays 10am-11:30am
Ministry Chair: Lynette LeGette
Centering prayer is a time of silent prayer that brings one to contemplative prayer in which we experience a deeper sense of the presence of God within us. This group meets for centering prayer followed by Lectio, a study of the Sunday gospel or some other reading, and sharing. Outings to spiritual workshops and presentations take place periodically throughout the year.
Time: Mondays from 3:00pm-4:00pm. in the Church, room N400
Gifts and talents:
Participants: All adults and young adults are welcome.
Coordinators: to plan outings to spiritual sights, workshops, presentations, etc.
Ministry Chair: Vickie Speers
FAITH SHARING/BIBLE STUDY LEADERS begin on different dates throughout the year (usually in the fall and spring). They select their focus on a variety of topics of faith and scripture for participants to discuss within their particular group.
Ministry Chair: Sharon Schuhmann
A weekly gathering designed to help men develop as Catholic Christian leaders in their families, careers, and beyond. Each Wednesday morning we explore skills and techniques to help us reach our potential as great dads, husbands, leaders, and followers of Jesus Christ. Everyone is welcome!
Time: Wednesday mornings 6:00am-7:00am in the Parish Center, Soubirious Room.
Gifts and talents: open to all men of our parish
Ministry Chair: Gary Montgomery
The men’s ministry of Saint Bernadette sponsors a Saturday morning process for all the men of the parish 18 years of age and older. The purpose of these gatherings is to provide a space for men to gather and discuss topics pertinent to their lives. Topics are brought to the weekly gathering by one of the men and discussed over a light breakfast which is also provided by the men gathered.
If interested in joining this group, no sign-ups or registration is necessary just come and be with us one Saturday morning and enjoy the fellowship of men like yourself.
Time: Men of Saint Bernadette meet on Saturday mornings from 8:00 – 9:30am in the Parish Center, Fr. McGivney Room
Gifts and talents: open to all men of our parish
Ministry Chair: Deacon Todd Auffrey